Wednesday, June 10, 2009


When I did my presentation some of the positive outcomes were that I gave information about my body system. Which was the integumentary system. I gave information about the 3 major skin cells/layers (ex; epidermis, dermis) And I also gave off the statistics of how many animals are used each year. And for a final positive outcome I learned that lots of the main makeup brands out there test on animals. And even though I don’t support the thought of doing that to animals, I still kind of support it in a way because I’m wearing there makeup products. I also learned the diffrent kinds of testing animals go through when scientists test animals with cosmetics. It's pretty brtutal.

For the presentations there were 3 options you could pick from: Webpage, CD case + cover, Magazine. I think everyone learned different things with technology. Since we all worked on different projects. I personally learned how to make a webpage. It’s not as easy as I thought. It’s a little complicated and confusing. I learned how to insert web ad’s onto a website. I didn’t add web ad’s on my site, but I learned how. I figured out how to make different pages, and get text boxes. One thing I learned how to do, that wasn’t related to my project ( it was someone else’s…) but I learned what you can do with a podcast. It was pretty cool. You can have effects & change your voice and add in cool sounds.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Final Posting.

So this is my final posting..before I do my presentation! I’m almost done my website. I have about one or two more pages to do on it,and then I’m done. Building a website is harder then you think. But I’m still learning a lot on my topic, so I have a fair amount of information!

I’ve learned that just about all household cleaning products and makeup brands animal test. There is such few brands that don’t animal test. It’s quite sad. And although we may dislike the thought of animal testing, we still use the products that animal test. I do. All of my makeup is tested on animals first :( -- But I still don’t like the thought of animal testing.

Did you know that it costs the USA 163 billion dollars annually to do animal tests?

What is your opinion on animal testing? Are you for it, or against it?